di Inglese per responsabili di azienda veneti
Not even to the dogs ! = Gnanche ai cani !
But what are you stay to make? = Ma cossa te stà a far?
In four and four eight = In quatro e quatr'oto
But who makes me make it = Ma chi me lo fa far
But from when in here ? = Ma de quando in qua ?
But when has it never seen ? = ma dove se ga mai visto ?
Right to be light = Giusto per eser ciari
Right to say = Giusto per dir
But of what ! = Ma de cossa !
How does it throw ? = Come te buta ?
But what really ? = Ma cossa, per vero ?
I don't send it to be told you = No te lo mando dir
These dicks !!! = Sticazzi !!!
I am tired dead = Son stanco morto
Who has been seen, has been seen = Chi s'è visto s'è visto
Who doesn't die, is reseen = Chi no mori se rivedi
Today it's not air = Oggi non xe aria
What I tell you for = Ma cos'te lo digo a far
You made it the hair = Te ghe ga fato el pel
And what it steals to me = E che me frega
It doesn't enter a dick there !!! = No centra un cazzo !!!
If I catch you I renew your face = Se te ciapo de rifazo i conotati
If I catch you I make you new = Se te ciapo te fazo novo
I make all one room = fazo tuto un logo
God After = D.. Poi
It's no finger = no xe dito
Evening the door = sera la porta
It's like an egg = xe come novo
I have no sunrise = non go alba
To eye and cross = A ocio e crose
Left me lost = Lasime perder
Well, walk !!! = Camina, dei !!!
Eye ! = Ocio !
Your greek mother ! = Tu mare grega !
I need one hundred liras = Me 'cori zento lire
There are more days than sausages = Xe più giorni che luganighe
Also not ! = Anche no !
God see, God provides = Dio vedi, Dio provedi
pig cow ! = porca vaca !
Eye Below = Ocio de soto
Nail's things = Robe de ciodi
Cup souls = Taza anime
I go to Take Roses = Vado a Portorose
It seems Renzo = Parenzo
Right to be light = per esser ciari
But make me the pleasure = ma fame el piazer
Don't extend yourself = no slargarte
Who has seen, has been seen = chi se ga visto se ga visto
Today it's not air = ogi no xe aria
Give it today and give it tomorrow = daghe ogi e daghe doman
Roman jump in mouth = saltimbocca alla romana
You are out like a balcony = te son fora come un pergolo
Thanks, little thanks and thanks to the dick = grazie, graziella e grazie al cazo
The soul of your best dead relatives = l'anima de li mejo mortacci tua (romanaccio trasferì a Trieste)
Cow but star! = vaca mastela!
Are you looking for longs? = te zerchi longhi?
Gloves yourself != guantite!
You are outside = te son fora (...riferido a mi ovviamente !!!)
I haven't you even through the ass = no te go pe'l cul
I haven't you even hair the ass = no te go pel cul
(notare la sottile differenza del pel che nella prima frase viene
tradotto come attraverso, nella seconda proprio come pel.... naaaaaaa!!!)
Live there and after good = viva là e pò bon
More a litre of that good = ancora un litro de quel bon
God is not wine with campari = Dio no xe furlan
Ciccio is not for boat = Ciccio no xe per barca
Your guitar is forgotten = la tua chitara xe scordada
Two King Me Make Sun There Yes = do re mi fa sol la si
The weather is going to cow = El tempo sta andando in vaca
Evening the plug that school = Sera la spina che scola
Which God taxi driver ! = Che dio t'assista !
Where do you shrimps = Dove te scampi(grazie a paul per le dotte traduzioni)